Wednesday, August 09, 2006

August 7th, 2006 - Monday

Oregon is a different animal. When Nate and Katie asked me what kind of games I played, the last thing on my mind was board games. But I guess in Oregon, when all the shops closes by 7:30pm, board games might not be that bad an idea. The games can be surprisingly competitive and it’s not a half bad way to kill some time. I could see myself getting into them if that’s what the people around me liked to do.
Besides from board games, I went hiking and had a picnic with Nate and his boys at a waterfall. The hike was a bear. One mile of zig zagging dirt road up a very steep mountain. The waterfall was pleasant and perfect for a picnic. However, these are activities that I normally wouldn’t be caught dead doing if I was back home. The almighty tv would have occupied my time quite happily. Maybe I should move to Oregon. It would be good for morale.


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