Wednesday, August 09, 2006

August 8th, 2006 - Tuesday

My drive from Redmond to Seattle was spectacular until I got to Olympia, Washington. I didn’t get to actually see the multi-car accident that happened miles ahead. But the result was an 8, I repeat, 8 mile back up that lasted 4 hours to clear up. It took us poor stranded and helpless drivers roughly 2 hours to travel about 5 miles. Needless to say, I hate seattle/Washington traffic already. It didn’t help that I was stuck in downtown seattle traffic today half and hour and basically didn’t move.
I got into seattle at around 4:30pm, which didn’t give me much time to settle in and get ready for the Mariners game at 7:00pm. But everything worked out well and I was able to go to the game with my friend who lives here. The center fielder for the Mariners left us two tickets at will call. That was very nice and impressive.
Safeco Field is an amazing stadium. All the new baseball stadiums I’ve seen all have a common area where fans can walk around, basically around the ball park and still watch the game. They’re all real fan friendly and each one have its unique distinct quality. Safeco has the observation deck on the top floor and a basement bullpen that’s fan accessible. The views from the observation deck overlooks Qwest field, seattle’s football stadium and downtown. People who aren’t into baseball can find tons of things to do here. Seattle won in extra innings with a walk off grand slam. We left before that happened. Oops!

Bon jovi – have a nice day (what can I say, I need help)
Queensryche – empire (in honor of being in seattle, seatlle greatest heavy metal band)
Rush – different stages (it’s a 2 and ½ hour double live album and I listened to all of it during the traffic jam delay)
Tom petty – highway companion
Angels and Airwaves – we don’t need to whisper
Fountains of Wayne – welcome interstate managers
Greenday – American idiot

total miles travled - 350


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