Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Little Background

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan and lived here until I was 7 and ½ years old. My family immigrated to the U.S. back in 1982 and this is the only the second time I’ve been back to my birthplace since then. The last time I was here was in 1999 so it’s been awhile.
The thing I miss the most about Taiwan is of course, the food. Of the five senses, I’m most in tune with my olfactory and tasting abilities. So naturally, I gravitate toward having fond memories of my favorite food experiences. I will try to document my meals here through pictures and descriptions because, well, I eat a lot. But also because I thought it would be fun to freak some of my friends out with the bizarre things Taiwanese people call cuisine. Two of these friends, let’s called them Blanco #1 and Blanco #2, are not what you’d call adventurous eaters. They scoff at the idea of eating in any restaurants that doesn’t have an A grade hanging on the window. They like their food overcooked and devoid of any flavor so forget about trying anything raw like real sushi. Organs are for harvesting and selling on the black market, but not for eating. Basically, if they can’t pronounce it, they ain’t eating it. How boring is that? It’s a wonder I’m friends with them sometimes. So, the food posts are for them. Hopefully, they’ll be enticed or maybe even inspired to eat something out of their comfort zone because of me. One can only hope.


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