Sunday, August 13, 2006

people watching

i had forgotten to record the number of miles i've been traveling since i got to seattle. but since seattle was the most north i was headed, i could pretty much just times whatever i've logged by 2. there were lots of zig zagging back and forth to and from my hotel room, but who cares.
while in seattle, i made it my objective to only listen to seattle based bands. unfortunately, i forgot to bring my Heart cd's so my only choices were queensryche and pearl jam. good thing i brought a lot of their cd's.
while at the science fiction museum i was amazed at how many sci-fi books and movies i've absorbed in my lifetime. i don't consider myself a fan of the genre at all, but being at the museum really made me appreciate the creativity and philosophy of it all. for example, something as simple as the Jetson's cartoon can be seen as an analogy of the rat race environment and mentality that we're all faced with no matter what age we live in. with all their techniclogical advances and life altering gadgets, the Jetson's are still bogged down by the everyday vagaries of life: an overbearing boss, money problems, teenage daughters and sons, and the all encompassing pursuit of happiness. it doesn't matter if we can fly, teleport, make dinner in a few seconds, etc., we're still stuck with the same faults and tendencies of the human heart that won't ever change.
there was also a life size recreation of the alien den mother from the movie "aliens." that was a truly frightening display. too bad i couldn't take any pictures inside the museum. my friends who are star wars geeks would freak out at all the memorabilia on display from george lucas. i just kind of chuckled.
at the EMP, i spent about 4 hours going through the musical history of guitar making, the music of the pacific northwest, and jimi hendrix. there was also a section devoted to actual music making which allowed anyone to play the musical instruments devoted to rock and roll. kids there had a blast. it's a great place for a field trip.
at the space needle, i was able to watch a belligerent worker take his frustration out on a non-english speaking italian couple who were way too into pda for the rest of us. but the worker seriously needed to chill because he just talked louder and louder at the couple until he basically screamed. he wanted to know how many were in their group when it was obvious it was just 2. i was behind them and it's not that hard to tell i didn't belong with them. the italian man just didn't want to be charged extra for something the space needle was trying to extract from vulnerable tourists. he was protecting himself from being ripped off, we can all relate to that. but this worker had no class or patience. but it's the job he chose, he needed to accept that or get a different job. you can't expect not to deal with language deficient foreigners at seattle's premier tourist spot. get a clue. anyhow, after the couple were yelled at, they basically stopped touching each other completely. but i felt bad for them because they were probably embarrassed and just wanted to visit the space needle without making a scene. the idiot worker made sure that didn't happen. but the pda was kind of annoying and i'm glad they stopped.
people are funny.


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