Tuesday, August 15, 2006

driving out of oregon

by looking at the trip-tik maps AAA made for me, it looks like if i want to get into SF tonight, i have to drive for close to 12 hours today. it's 10:30am tuesday right now. i better get going. i'm currently in coos bay, oregon. it's a little town by the coast of oregon and about 20 miles north of bandon dunes, the golf course i played yesterday. there are three courses at the bandon dunes golf resort. i played the two more famous ones called "pacific dunes" and "bandon dunes." they don't allow carts on these courses so i literally walked 36 holes at a combine total of 14 miles yesterday. needless to say, i'm a bit sore. i was planning on playing another course today up the coast, but considering the drive i have ahead of me and the fact i'm a little golfed out, i'm skipping the course called "sandpines." maybe i'll play it next time.
i spent yesterday golfing in bandon, oregon and the previous two days in eugene, oregon with an old college friend. my time in oregon will now officially come to an end. i will write about it later when i have more time. i have some great stories about bandon dunes and some spectacular pictures.